
The Equality Act 2010 requires schools to fulfil the following general duties:

1. To elimenate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under this act.

2. To advance equalityof opportunity between persons who share relevant protected characteristics and persons who do not share it.

3. To foster good releations between persons who share relevant protected chracteristics and persons who do not share it.


At St John Fisher Catholic Primary School, we are committed to ensuring equality of education, opportunity and treatment for all employees, pupils and any others involved in the school community particularly those who share relevant protected characteristics. We aim to ensure that those with relevant protected characteristics are not treated less favourably in any procedures, practices or service delivery, while also developing a culture of inclusion and diversity in which people feel free to disclose their needs and participate fully in school life.  The achievement of all groups will be monitored and we will use this data to raise standards and ensure inclusive teaching. We will make reasonable adjustments to ensure the school environment is accessible as possible.

At this school we believe that diversity is a strength which should be respected and celebrated. By those who learn, teach and visit here.

How we achieve this:

  • Identify groups (who share relevant protected characteristics) within our school community.
  • Actively engage and consult our school community in creating our Equality Scheme.
  • Ensure all staff and governors are aware of the Equality Act and their duties under this.
  • Promote positive role models throughout school life and delivery of the curriculum.
  • Gather data on the achievement and attainment of pupils who share relevant protected characteristics.
  • Embed Equality in our school ethos.
  • Regular monitoring of progress against objectives set in the Equality and related action plans.
  • Systematically impact assess all school policies and practices to ensure they comply with the duties under the Equality Act.
  • Ensure Equality requirements are built into procurement contracts where necessary.
  • Make reasonable adjustments where possible to ensure equality of access to the same standard of education and working life.

Teachers use ‘No outsiders in our school’ as a resource, including the beautiful picture books they recommend.

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St John Fisher Primary School

About Us

We strive for our school to be a happy place where all children learn in a safe and secure environment. We are committed to developing the talents and skills of every child to enable them to achieve the best that they can. We also wish to nurture their spiritual and personal development so that they become caring and responsible citizens. Every member of our school family is respected and valued for the unique individual they are.

Contact Us

Edward Street, Widnes, Cheshire, WA8 0BW

School Reception

0151 424 7794


[email protected]

Main Contact

Office Manager: Andrea Coombes

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