E-safety is a really important part of a child's education with the digital world we live in today. Children are using technology every day (at home and in school) and it is vital that we keep them safe. Technolgy is a very useful tool that we encourage children to use, to help build and develope on a variety of skills.
As a school, we ensure children are supervised whilst using the internet. As part of our computing curriculum we look at a digital literacy scheme of work. Through this we cover a wide variety of iternet safety (Privacy & security, cyberbullying, relationships & communication, Digital footprint, self image & identiy, information literacy, creative credit & copywrite) throughout KS1 and KS2.
On 7th February we looked at being share aware. KS1 and reception read a wonderful story, Digiduck (you can find the story in 'Files to download' section below), with lots of discussion and role play around the story. This looked at the consequences of sharing a nasty image of a friend on a game site and what should be done if this happens.
KS2 explored the importance of being share aware and reasoning for age restrictions on social media, apps and websites. Children watched video clips (from the websites linked below), had lots of discussions, role played scenarios and created posters to inform others.
Useful websites
Please take some time to look through the links provided below. They contain plenty of advice and tools to help keep your children safe when online.
Managing Parental controls on smart phones and other devices:
Think u Know - Resources for parents/carers and children
Vodaphone Digital Parenting - advice for parents to help keep children safe online.
Google Safety Centre - advice and tools to help protect yourself and your family online.
Know it all - Childnet international - It's designed to really help you as a parent or carer keep up to date with how children are using the internet, and support them in using these new exciting services safely and responsibly.
BBC Stay Safe - Interactive games and videos for the children
NSPCC - NSPCC have worked with O2 to give advice and tools for parents to keep children safe online and to be share aware. (Below, in the 'Files to download' section, is a parents guide to being share aware from the NSPCC website)