Year 6 2024 - 2025

Mrs Tollitt

Mrs Heywood

Welcome to Year 6 Autumn Term

We are looking forward to having a happy and successful year. 


New school times



8:40 am - Gates open

8:45am - Bell rings


3:10pm - Gate opens

3:15pm - End of day


Each week, on a Tuesday, the children will have set work in their CPG revision books. The books that they have been working in must be handed in on the following Tuesday. They can also work through these at their own convenience. 

In the 'Files to download' section, are the statutory spelling lists for year 3/4 and 5/6. The children are expected to know all of these spellings by the end of year 6. There is a copy of 'Look, cover, write and check' which is a technique we use to practise spellings. You can do this at home with your child. 

I have also attached list of recommended reading books suitable for year 6. 

Additionally, your child can access:Reading Plus
Timestables rockstars


By year six we are trying to encourage independence in reading and a love of books. At year six the children will be heard to read less often as they are now at a standard where they have the ability and the skills to read independently. Any children we feel still need additional support will receive this within school. The children will be taught reading strategies during guided reading. 

Our class book is  'The Explorer' by Katherine Rundell. This book has links to our writing lessons.

It is important that they are encouraged both in school and at home to read for enjoyment. They can choose both fiction and non-fiction books and try different genres such as mystery, sci-fi, historical fiction, fantasy etc. The children are able to choose a book from our class library to read at home. They should read every day for at least 10 minutes - preferably more - and should be recorded in their reading record. 



As part of our Pathways to Writing scheme we will be using the book 'Can We Save The Tiger?' by Martin Jenkins to create a non-fiction persuasive text. We will learn how to 

  • Apply persuasive language.
  • Link ideas across paragraphs using a wider range of cohesive devices (adverbs, pronouns and conjunctions)
  • Use concise word choices.
  • Include a wider range of punctuation.


As a whole school, we use the 'Maths No Problem' scheme of work. This half term we will be learning:



Each morning your child will practice arithmetic in '4-a-day'

Children can continue to use their Times Tables RockStars log in to practise times tables. - Maths Practice



PE will take place on a Tuesday. Children must remove watches and jewellery for all PE sessions. Children must be able to remove and replace earrings themselves as we cannot do this for them. Please encourage your child to leave earrings at home if they cannot do this themselves.


Our science topic for this half term is Variation and Classification. This topic builds on the learning from year 4 and encourages the children to work scientifically through different enquiry approaches


This half term in geography, we're focusing on climate change. We'll learn about how human actions impact the environment, the changes in weather patterns, and what we can do to help. We will explore how we can make a positive difference for our planet.


KS2 SATs Guidance for Parents

Towards the end of Key Stage 2, Year 6 children take the KS2 SATs. (Statutory Assessment Tests)
The children are assessed during the middle of May for a whole week.
Nearer the time, a timetable will be sent into school and we will give you the information as and when this is organised letting you know which tests will be on which day. 







Files to Download

Year 6: News items

There are no News items to display

Year 6: Blog items

There are no blog items to display

Year 6: Gallery items

There are no Gallery items to display

Year 6: Calendar items

There are no Calendar items to display

St John Fisher Primary School

About Us

We strive for our school to be a happy place where all children learn in a safe and secure environment. We are committed to developing the talents and skills of every child to enable them to achieve the best that they can. We also wish to nurture their spiritual and personal development so that they become caring and responsible citizens. Every member of our school family is respected and valued for the unique individual they are.

Contact Us

Edward Street, Widnes, Cheshire, WA8 0BW

School Reception

0151 424 7794


[email protected]

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Office Manager: Andrea Coombes

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